Do you know what makes your dissertation more effective?

It is the research questions you choose.

Hence, it is one of the most essential parts of your dissertation. You shall pay extra attention and spend a generous amount of time while choosing your research questions.

Now that you are looking for research questions inspiration, UK Academic Help has made it easy for you. In this article, you will not only find inspiration for research questions, but you will also get to know, What is it? What are its types? And how to write questions in your dissertation?

So let’s dig into it and explore all the impactful questions for your research dissertation.

What Is A Research Question?

A research question or questions are the base of a dissertation. These are basically the problems that you will solve in your research. A strong research question adds value to your dissertation and makes it more impactful.

Choosing a research question is an essential part of both qualitative and quantitative research. A strong and clear research question leads your dissertation and give the reader a clear idea of what your research will find out. It sets the stage for data collection, analysis, methodology, and interpretation of the results. Moreover, it gives your research a direction and objective.

If your dissertation has a strong research question then the reader will automatically get connected to your research and would not find it boring. So, check out the top research questions below and write a strong question for your dissertation.

Top 10 Research Questions For Your Dissertation 

What type of question you select depends upon the nature of your research as well as your field of study. Yet there are a few other things that you have to consider like; the length of the dissertation, and the type of the research etc. 

Having said that, let’s have a look at the top 10 research questions types and examples for your dissertation that you may use.

  1. Descriptive:

What are the eating habits of teenagers that are increasing the rate of obesity in urban areas?

  • Comparative: 

What is the difference between academic performance of male and female students in the UK?

  • Correlational: 

Is there any relation between the increasing use of technology and increased rate of depression patients?

  1. Exploratory:

What are the factors that influence the students’ success in academics?

  1. Explanatory:

Why is global warming rapidly increasing, and what are the future concerns related to it?

  1. Evaluation:

What is the role of business management strategies and what are the benefits and drawbacks of hiring fresh employees?

  • Action based: 

How the teaching methods have changed to facilitate better understanding and discussion opportunities? How it has effected students?

  • Predictive: 

Do people buy a certain product after it is promoted by their favourite celebrities?

  1. Interpretive:

How do international students in an exchange program handle the transitions between the academic activities?

  1. Demographic:

Does race and ethnicity effect the employment opportunities in the UK?

You get inspiration from the above questions and make a research question that perfectly fits with your topic and field of research. If you are uncertain about it then you can get dissertation writing services and we can handle it for you. Or you can have a look at the method to write your own research question mentioned below.

How To Write A Strong Research Question?

If you want to create your own research question then here is how to write it while staying clear, focused, and relevant.

  • Choose A Type For Your Research Question

First and foremost, you have to choose a specific type of research question that you think suits with your nature of research. There are many types of research questions that are mentioned above in this article. 

You can choose one of the types for your dissertation. However, if your research goal involves more than one question then you can either choose one or more than one types. You can also checkout How to write dissertation research aims and objectives? To help you decide your goals of the research.

  • Conduct Some Research

After you select your desired question type you shall conduct some basic research about it. Search for relevant sources and information and also look for possible formats for your question. Spend a decent amount of time on the research before you actually start writing.

  • Make A Draft Of Possible Research Questions?

Once you are done researching, start writing a draft of all the possible questions that comes up in your mind. Enlist all the questions to make it easy for you to decide what you actually need.

  • Narrow Down To Specific Research Questions

Now that you have a list of possible research questions, you can narrow it down till you find a perfect one for your dissertation. Start eliminating the least attractive research questions to narrow it down rather than getting confused by looking at all of them at once. 

  • Evaluate Your Research Question 

After you find your ideal research question for your dissertation you shall evaluate it to see if it meets all the requirements. Analyse it from different aspects and decide if it is strong enough to make your dissertation stand out or not.


Choosing a strong research question for your dissertation is not an easy task to do. It requires time, focus and clarity of your research requirements. When writing your research question you shall always think out of the box and create a unique and interesting question for your dissertation that will stick the reader with your research. At any point of your research dissertation, if you feel you need a little help to boost your performance you can always contact us and we will do our best to solve your problem.