Writing a dissertation is no doubt a time taking and exhausting task.

It is a lengthy process and a basic requirement to earn a certain type of degree.

Typically, it is written towards the end of the program to showcase their knowledge and contribute to their field.

It is the most difficult piece of writing that a student writes in the academic life. Moreover, it acquires a student’s knowledge, focus, time, and energy. Sometimes it gets on students’ nerves and they find no escape from it. That’s when UK Academic Help comes as a saviour for them. 

If you find yourself stuck in the same situation then don’t hesitate to seek help. A helping hand can make your academic life a lot easier than you think. Yet if you want to give it a chance and attempt to write it yourself then our experts have created a brief layout for you. Check out our guide that will help you write your dissertation without any struggle. 

What Is A Dissertation?

Before writing it you should know the meaning of a dissertation. So let’s start from the very beginning.

A dissertation is a final project of a degree. Every student chooses a topic for research. After approval they start working on it, they write their findings and present their work in the form of a dissertation which includes different chapters in it. Generally, a supervisor or an advisor is alloted to a student to help and guide him in his journey. 

The dissertation is submitted for review by experts who approve or disapprove it on the basis of different aspects. 

Different regions and institutes use different words for it. Some call it a dissertation while some call it a thesis. In the UK, the word dissertation is used for undergraduate degree and the word thesis is used for doctorate level. On the other hand, in the US it is vice versa. In general, it is more or less the same thing. 

In addition, dissertations include either quantitative or qualitative research. Quantitative approach is basically used in science fields while qualitative approach is generally used in other fields. 

Although, dissertation is technically a form of research paper but it is far more complex and requires more skills. 

How Long Should Be A Dissertation?

Meeting the word count requirement is a crucial part of writing a dissertation. 

But how long should it be?

This is the question that every student looks for. 

Don’t worry you will get to know this here 

So, basically there is no one universal standard for the word count of a dissertation. The length and number of words varies in different countries and institutions. It depends on the country, the institute, the field of study, and the level of education. 

However, our experts have created a rough estimate about the length of a dissertation in the UK to give you an idea. Below is the estimated range;

  • Bachelor’s: 35-50 Pages or 10,000-15,000 Words
  • Master’s: 65-80 Pages or 18,000-22,000 Words
  • Doctorate: 200-300 Pages or 80,000-100,000 Words

So, as the level advances the word count and number of pages increases as well.  Remember that the above mentioned ranges are just an estimate and your dissertation requirements may vary and can be more flexible. 

Components Of A Dissertation 

To write a dissertation you first need to know its components. So without any further discussion let’s directly see its components.

  • Title Page 
  • List of Figures and Tables 
  • List of Abbreviations 
  • Acknowledgement 
  • Table of Contents
  • Abstract 
  • Review of Literature 
  • Introduction 
  • Methodology 
  • Results and Discussions 
  • Conclusion 
  • References

Remember that the above mentioned components are the basic components layout and your dissertation requirements can be different.

How to Write A Dissertation?

Here comes the actual writing part where you will get to know how to write a dissertation?

If you are not taking a dissertation writing service then this layout will certainly be beneficial for you. So let’s get started.

Choose A Unique Topic 

Choosing a topic that is unique and worth researching is a big deal. It is like the base of your dissertation and your whole dissertation depends on it. 

You need to make sure that the topic you choose is attractive and people would be interested in it. Also make sure that you have enough data to write about it. You need to capture the reader’s attention by your topic so it must be unique and hold value.

Try to frame your ideas and make a suitable dissertation statement or simply called a dissertation title. A statement or title is a single sentence that elaborates the central point or main idea of your research topic. 

You can search for research gap in your interested area and also look for the under researched aspects. It will make the best dissertation topic that will get approved in one go.

Conduct Some Initial Research 

Once you have finalised your research topic, it’s time to do some initial level research. You may not get an answer to your research question in this step but you will definitely have the idea where to look for it.

Review all the sources and make notes of any important findings or articles. Also plan to structure your dissertation beforehand.

Make An Outline Of Your Structure 

An outline helps you structure your dissertation before writing it. Although it is not an official part, yet it helps a lot and keeps you on track.

Write all the important points, evidence, or any statement that you wish to add. Just make a rough outline that will make writing the actual dissertation easy.

Conduct The Main Research 

Once you are done with all the preliminary work, it’s time to conduct the main research. Aim to learn about your topic as much as you can. Define the parameters that will help to analyse. Moreover, you have to review all the sources like reference materials etc.

Write A Draft 

Right after conducting the research start making a draft that will lead to the actual dissertation. If you have made a good outline then writing a draft will be a piece of cake for you. 

To write a draft you should keep the body of your paper as simple as it could be. Simply present the data in it and you don’t have to do much. Your findings will speak for themselves.

Consult Your Research Supervisor and Take Feedback 

It is now time to consult your supervisor and show them your progress. You can ask them questions and seek their guidance.

If they spot any problem with your draft then ask for the right direction and make changes accordingly.

Ask for feedback from your supervisor, peers, or any other person that can give you authentic feedback. Infact, you can ask for feedback in multiple stages of writing. Use their feedback to improve your dissertation.

Write The Final Paper

After getting feedback and making changes, start writing your final paper. You can add more details or remove anything that may be irrelevant. 

Edit and Proofread 

Lastly, you have to proofread your paper and eliminate mistakes by editing it. Go through your dissertation a few times and focus on removing all the errors.

You must be tired at this point but don’t just skip it. You can get editing and proofreading services and meanwhile take some time to relax.