About to write your dissertation methodology?

Check out the do’s and don’ts of writing a dissertation methodology to avoid any mistakes.

The most significant and final project of a student’s academic life is a dissertation. It is the representation of knowledge and skills that a student learns throughout the academic years. Similarly, a methodology holds special significance in a dissertation. In short, a methodology is the heart of a dissertation. It can make or break your impression and can affect your grades significantly. 

Knowing the importance of a dissertation methodology UK Academic Help has made sure to prepare you well before you start writing. In this article, you will learn what is methodology in dissertation?, do’s and don’ts of writing a dissertation methodology, dissertation methodology structure, and methodology dissertation example. So get ready to embark on this learning journey.

What Is Methodology In Dissertation?

As mentioned earlier, a methodology is the heart of a dissertation. Your grades highly depend on this chapter. 

A methodology is a chapter in your dissertation that includes all the materials and methods used in your research in detail. It involves all the knowledge about how you conducted your research to prove your hypothesis. Moreover, it represents the process from outlining the research to implementing and getting results. It also includes any problems faced during the research and how you overcome it.

Since it holds much significance, it shall be strong and convincing. To have a strong and impactful methodology for your dissertation you have to exhibit design rationally. You have to outline and structure your dissertation in a way that it should demonstrate your decisions and how they successfully turn into achieving your goal.

Do’s And Don’ts Of Writing A Dissertation Methodology 

Now, that you know, what a dissertation methodology is? You need to know the do’s and don’ts of writing it, as a pre writing preparation. 

So let’s get started!


  • Consult Your Supervisor

Always consult to your supervisor on every step. Seek guidance because your supervisor can guide you the best according to your university requirements. Supervisors can guide you through out your journey and help you identify the flaws and lead you to the right direction.

  • Be Clear With Your Thoughts

Be clear about what you write and define your methods clearly. Use reliable methods to get accurate results. Your methodology shall give the reader the vision of what you aim to achieve. Represent your ideas and methods in a way that is easy to understand by the reader.

  • Research Before You Start

Must conduct preliminary research before you even start writing. You shall have enough knowledge on the topic before you start your dissertation methodology. It’s always a good idea to have enough knowledge before hand. You won’t feel like you don’t know much or you can’t do it. Read literature and study the gaps between researchs. Also look for the methods used in the previous researches and choose the best one for your methodology.

  • Get Reviews

Once you are done writing always get reviews on your work. Ask your supervisor, colleagues, friends or family about your methodology and note their reviews. Reread your methodology and edit any flaws or mistakes. Be open for constructive criticism and always use it to improve your work. 

  • Get Professional Dissertation Writing Help

If you feel like you need help go for it without hesitation. Get professional dissertation writing help and ease your burden. Choose an authentic platform to get assistance. There is nothing wrong in getting a little extra help to make your life easy so hire professionals. 


  • Don’t Repeat And Rewrite

Do not repeat or rewrite stuff that you have written in other chapters of your dissertation. Each chapter should be unique and have it’s own essence. There is absolutely no need to unnecessarily stuff irrelevant content in your methodology. Avoid it and only write about your methods and information related to it.

  • Don’t Add Unnecessary Information 

Do not write unnecessary information that is not related to your topic. There is no need to write irrelevant methods that are not used in your research. Also avoid writing materials that are not used while carrying out your research. It will only increase confusion and would not bring bad impression.

  • Don’t Sugar Coat Facts

Even if your thoughts and research questions are harsh, never sugar coat facts. State the facts as they are and do not mold them. You may lose the originality and get detracted. Keep the methods original to get accurate results.

  • Don’t Confuse The Reader

Do not confuse the reader with unclear thoughts and statements. Keep your methods streamlined and represent them properly. Don’t just write stuff here and there. Outline your methodology and structure precisely to avoid confusion. Confusion can only bring negative results and you don’t wish for it.

  • Don’t Write Plagiarised Content 

Never use plagiarised content in any circumstances. Getting inspiration is alright but copying others work is unethical and strictly prohibited in academic writing. Make sure to cite sources if you take anything from other research papers. Check plagiarism at every part to make sure your work is original. Check our free plagiarism checker tools for assignments and dissertation  for help.

Dissertation Methodology Structure 

How to write methodology for dissertation is one of the biggest concerns of students these days. So here is a brief structure that will help you write your dissertation methodology.

  • Onion Rings Research

As an onion has different layers in the form of ring, you have to conduct your research on multiple levels keeping different aspects in mind. Research for all the possible data about your topic before designing your methodology.

  • Research Outline

Make an outline for your dissertation methodology that will represent your way of conducting the research. Include all the steps and how you are planning to do it.

  • Data Collection 

Collect data from targeted subjects for your research. The data shall be authentic and taken from reliable sources if not primary. 

  • Data Analysis

Do the necessary analysis and check the validity and reliability of your data. The more valid the data the more accurate results you will get. 

  • Experimental Procedure

Conduct the experimental procedures to obtain the results for your research. Follow all the protocols while conducting your research and don’t take short cuts.

  • Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are a must. Always ask for consent of the subjects and take care of all the ethical considerations required for your research to avoid any inconvenience.

Dissertation Methodology Example 

Our experts have created an example of dissertation methodology related to studying the performance of employees to achieve rewards. 

  • To get data I had to design a questionnaire related to the rewards and recognition earned by employees. I also designed some interview questions for them apart from the questionnaire.  A qualitative research was conducted to learn more about employee’s performance and satisfaction in the company….

Remember that, this is just a sample of how may write in your methodology section and it is not a complete methodology chapter. To get further assistance contact us and we will help you achieve your dissertation methodology goals.