In the research journey, a research methodology can be the trickiest chapter of your dissertation or thesis. It requires exceptional skills to explore the appropriate methodologies. Whether you are planning to do your research proposal or dissertation, choosing the right methodology is a crucial decision.

UK Academic Help has composed this article to give you the knowledge of different types of research methods. You will get to learn their significance, features, and examples.

So let’s get started.

What Is A Methodology In Research?

Before we jump into the types it is always a good idea to know the meaning first. It is important because you shall know what exactly you are reading about and certainly you can better understand the types if you know the meaning.

So, a methodology in research is the strategic framework a researcher uses to carry out a research in a systematic way. It includes data collection, experimental procedure, analysis, and interpretation. Moreover, it is a sort of a road map that provides researchers with a pathway to check reliability and validity of their data. 

The entire research depends on the methodology you choose. So it is always important to select the most suitable method according to your research topic. If you are uncertain about any part of your dissertation or thesis then you can get our amazing dissertation writing services and enjoy good grades.

Types Of Research Methodology 

As there are various fields and types of studies, one standard method can not be fit for all. To cope with that there are different types of research methods that researchers use according to the nature of their research. 

Out of all the types of research methods, there are three main types that are mostly used in research work. Let’s explore them in detail;

  • Qualitative Research Methodology 

The qualitative research methodology as its name suggests, is focused on the qualities of the data and involves non numerical data in it. It involves an exploratory approach that helps to study the insights that can not be studied in numerical expression.

Moreover, it is a more flexible and adaptable research process. Mostly it is used in fields like psychology, sociology, health sciences, education, and history etc. 

  • Examples 

The examples of qualitative research methodology involve interviews, observations, survey data, to explore gender roles, human behaviour, experiences, colours, race etc.

  • Quantitative Research Methodology

The quantitative research methodology, unlike qualitative, involves numerical data. It is more about numeric data collection and statistical analysis to evaluate trends and patterns of relatively large data sets. In this type, the data is measurable and best suited in research where numbers matter.

Mostly it is used in fields like economics, marketing, chemistry, physics, engineering, and healthcare etc. 

  • Examples 

The examples of quantitative research methodology involve measurements of weight, height, length, distance, temperature, Correlation research design, and calculation of revenue etc.

  • Mixed Research Methodology 

The mixed research methodology is the most commonly used type which involves both qualitative and quantitative methods. It is more of a hybrid approach that helps to study the topic in a broader perspective. Since most of the research includes both qualitative and quantitative factors, this method helps cover it all rather than just focusing on one single type. 

It is a diverse form and studies multiple factors simultaneously. Moreover, it is used in almost every field. Whether it is psychology, sociology, economics, healthcare, education, or social sciences, it is widely used to enhance the quality of the research.

  • Examples

The examples of mixed research methodology involve studying absorption of heat on different coloured surfaces, studying the effect of green and red apple on a disease, or studying the academic performance of boys and girls in an institute etc.

Now that you know different types of methods let’s see how you can decide which method is most suitable for your research topic?

How To Select The Right Methodology For Your Research?

Choosing the most appropriate methodology for your research can be a tough decision especially for students. You have to consider multiple factors to make the right choice. Make sure you are extra vigilant because choosing the wrong methodology can double your work. The wrong methodology will not bring the desired results and you will have to redo everything, which will eventually cost too much time. 

But no need to worry because our experts have designed a brief process that can help you find the perfect methodology for your research. This process includes 4 key factors that you need to keep in mind while making the decision. So the 4 key factors are;

  • Your Research Topic

First and most important in your research topic. A research topic can tell a lot about the requirements. Read the topic carefully and focus on each factor of your topic. Invest time in it and think about it. Most probably you can get the idea in the very first step. 

Focus on the topic and think what is the demand of your research question? For instance, if the question is about exploring experiences, studying behaviours, and gender etc then you can choose a qualitative method. On the other hand, if it is about statistical evaluation then you can choose a quantitative method. However, if it includes both then you can select the mixed method.

  • The Nature Of Your Research

The next factor is the nature of your research. See if the research is descriptive, experimental, explanatory, or exploratory. For instance, exploratory research may lead to a qualitative method if it includes new insights and non numerical hypotheses. On the contrary, experimental research can lead to quantitative methods if you are studying statistical data. 

Understanding the nature and purpose of your research may also help you choose the right methodology. Just don’t lose your focus, you will get your answer.

  • Your Research Objectives 

Focus on what your research objectives are? Your aims and objectives can tell a lot about the requirements of your research. See if they are about describing, explaining, exploring, or predicting.

Choose a methodology that will help you reach your objectives in a most effective way. For instance, if your objectives are to study the effect of temperature on the volume of an object then you shall use quantitative methods. In contrast, if the objectives are about finding differences in behaviours of people of different regions then you may use a qualitative method.

  • The Available Resources

Always keep in mind the available resources for your research. Be practical and choose the method that fits in your available resources. Consider all types of resources, whether they are financial resources, the available time, the access to sample, or the materials required. 

Knowing your limitations can help you design your research methodology accordingly. For instance, if you have limited finance then you can use pre done surveys and use qualitative methods. However, if you have enough of everything then you can carry out your own sampling and procedures and use quantitative method

These steps will definitely help you decide your required research method. If you have decided your research method then you shall check out how to write a research methodology for a dissertation? It will help you further in the writing process.

Make The Decision Wisely!

Research is an important part of your academic or professional life so do not risk it and make your decision wisely. Invest time and choose the right research methodology that will help you achieve your aims and objectives. No matter what type of research method you choose, just make sure you understand it’s important and conduct the research precisely to get success.

Need help to decide which is the best methodology for your dissertation or thesis?

Contact us today and get the best assistance. With years of experience our experts can help you choose the right methodology for your research. You can get connected to someone who is a scholar in your field of study and get instant help with your dissertation or thesis.


  • Are the data collection methods same in every research methodology type?

Data collection methods can be the same or different. It depends upon your resources and requirements. There are no specific methods according to the types.

  • What are some common data collection methods?

Some of the most common data collection methods are surveys, interviews, or secondary data analysis.

  • What are the ethical considerations of research methodology?

The ethical considerations of research methodology includes; consent of the participants, confidentiality of participants data, ensuring integrity and authenticity of research.

  • Methodology Vs method – Are they same?

Methodology and method can be used interchangeably. Although there is a slight difference between both of them. Methods are the practical application while methodology is a framework that justify methods.