Conducting research is an authentic way to find a solution for your dissertation problem. There are two types of research one is primary and the other is secondary. 

Dissertation primary research involves data collection and doing everything from scratch. While dissertation secondary research involves using existing data to draw conclusions. Since most people get confused between primary and secondary research dissertation, UK Academic Help has made it easy for you. In this article, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about secondary research for dissertation.

What Is A Secondary Research Dissertation?

Let’s dig into what secondary research dissertation actually means. 

Secondary research is a type of research that is based on existing data sources rather than collecting new data for writing dissertation. The data used in this type of research is obtained from different sources like government surveys and statistics, large organisations, internet, and other resources. 

Secondary research is also known as desk research for dissertation. It is sourced in different formats like published data, reports, surveys, obtained from websites, libraries, museums, or private organisations.

Usually the data is free or available at limited cost. When conducting dissertation secondary research the researchers verify and analyse the data and then use it for research goals. Moreover, it can also be used to review literature into another area of interest. We can also use it to identify trends over the years. 

Secondary Research Methods For Dissertation 

There are certain different methods that are used to conduct secondary research for dissertation. Some of the popular methods are mentioned below;

  • Using Data Available On Internet 

Internet is a great blessing if used correctly. In this advanced era almost everything is available online. You can access everything while sitting at your home. Talking about academics, you can get solution for all your academic problems. You can even get dissertation writing services online isn’t it cool?

Talking about secondary research for dissertation, you can get factual data on the internet regarding your topic of research. There are many websites that provide authentic data like government websites, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate etc. You can analyse the data taken from such websites.

  • Analysing Reviews On A Specific Topic

If you are not dealing with numbers and stats and only want to see people’s perspective then you can get help from reviews, articles, and reports to see what people think about a specific topic. Moreover, analysing such data make you able to create a timeline of your data over the years. 

  • Analysing Research Based Reports 

If you are intrigued about the latest results and data then you can use research based reports published by educational institutions or students directly. Sometimes dissertations and research papers are published in journals that makes it convenient to analyse the latest insights.

Moreover, you can also collaborate with your institution and get primary as well as secondary data for your research.

Advantages Of Secondary Research For Dissertation 

There are various advantages of using the secondary research method for your dissertation. Some of them are mentioned below;

  • The data is available easily 
  • The data is ready to use 
  • The data is available in abundance 
  • The data is presorted and can be exported easily 
  • The research is completed in minimum time and no time is wasted 
  • Minimum financial support is required and it doesn’t cost much
  • The data sources are mostly freebor have very small cost
  • Additional research actions can be derived from secondary data
  • Provides support for future research 
  • Makes it easy to decide whether to conduct the research or not
  • It highlights the research gaps
  • The results can be scaled up easily 

These advantages are surely helpful for students struggling to manage time and budget. 

Disadvantages Of Conducting Secondary Research For Dissertation 

Along with several advantages there are certain disadvantages of conducting a secondary research for your dissertation as well. Some of the disadvantages are as follows;

  • The data can be outdated
  • The secondary data expires faster in continuously updating fields
  • The data needs to be verified before using
  • The data needs to be interpreted before using
  • Tons of data has to be analysed
  • The accuracy is doubted
  • The researcher does not have any control over the research 
  • The data is not exclusive and available commonly to everyone 
  • The risk of duplication is higher
  • You can not claim rights over it

For students that are going to conduct research before dissertation you have to take these disadvantages in mind while choosing your dissertation research method.

How To Conduct A Secondary Research For Dissertation?

There are 5 basic steps to conduct secondary research for dissertation efficiently. Let’s have a look at it;

  • Select The Research Topic

The most important step is to choose the right topic for your research. You have to select a perfect topic and also define it well.

  • Find The Resource

Then you have to find the resources for your research data. Finding authentic resources to collect data from it is very important because it is going to be the base of your dissertation research. So take your time to find the resources that fit with your topic.

  • Collect The Needed Data

After you find the resources you need to collect the required data for your research. Of course not all the data will be suitable for your research so collect and adjust your data.

  • Compare The Data

You also need to compare your data with the existing sources. Compare and choose the right data for your topic. Filter it out and combine it intelligently. Make data sets to see what they tell you.

  • Analyse Your Data

The last step is to analyse your data accurately. See if it fulfils the requirements for your problem question and conduct analysis to get accurate results.

When To Conduct A Secondary Research For Dissertation?

Now the question arises that when shall you conduct a secondary research for dissertation?

So the answer is that it is conducted when the researcher tries to understand something new and is in the beginning stage of research. It is also used when crucial background understanding for dissertation is needed for something that already exists. Moreover, it is helpful in understanding research gaps and enhance the knowledge of the student.


Note that both primary and secondary research are very different from each other. Hence, you shall not use secondary research for your dissertation where original data collection or primary research is needed.If you find yourself confused between which type to use then feel free to contact us and we will provide the best guidance for your project.