Finding it hard to compose an appealing acknowledgement for your thesis and dissertation?

Are you looking for some tips to enhance it?


You are in search of some good examples for reference.

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In this article, you will get to know everything about acknowledgement. Whether you want to write a thesis or dissertation acknowledgement you will get benefit from this article.

So, without further delay let’s start our learning journey.

What Is A Thesis and Dissertation Acknowledgement?

First thing first, whether you are planning to write acknowledgement for a thesis or a dissertation you need to know that it remains the same in both.

Now comes the meaning of an acknowledgement in general. As you know, writing a thesis or a dissertation is a very tough part of your academic journey. You go through ups and downs, but there are always people who help you in multiple ways. It can be practical help or emotional help and support that is way more important. Due to their support and guidance you manage to complete such an exhausting task. So they deserve some praise as a gesture of gratitude.

Acknowledgement basically means showing gratitude towards someone. In thesis and dissertation, it is a page that comes after the title page in which you mention people that have helped you throughout your journey and acknowledge their support and guidance.

Usually it is written after completing the thesis or dissertation. By the time you will reach this part you may already have written your thesis or dissertation. If not then it’s high time you shall get help online. If you are not clear about it yet then you shall read this article about why to get online dissertation help? It will definitely help you take action with a clear vision.

Moving forward, now that you know what acknowledgement is, it’s time to explore the other aspects of it that you shall know before writing it.

How To Write An Acknowledgement?

Some people may think that acknowledgement is just a piece of paper that has no worth. But in reality it takes special skills to create a beautifully written acknowledgement for your thesis or dissertation. Not everyone can master it but you will surely do because we have made it easy for you with our guide.

So, if you want to write your acknowledgement like an expert then here is how you can achieve it.

Start At Early Stages

Usually, it is written in the later stages but we recommend that if you are doing it for the first time then you shall start writing it in the early stages. Since, it is the first time so it’s better to write a draft in the beginning and make changes in it as you proceed. It will allow you to improve it with new thoughts and vision.

Maintain A Balance

You shall maintain a balance while writing it. Don’t show too much gratitude to one and a bare minimum to another. Write about everyone in a balanced way to make everyone feel equally important.

Include Everyone

You shall include every person that has helped you in your journey. You can make a list of people before you start to write so that you don’t miss anyone. Even if you have started writing and missed someone, you can always edit it before sublimation.

Keep Revising Till You Submit it

Get feedback from others and revise your acknowledgement as many times as you want before you finally submit it. Seeking feedback gives you a perspective that you may not have considered. So it’s always a good idea to get feedback and revise any change you think you need.

Whom To Thank In Your Acknowledgement?

Although, it solely depends on you whom you want to thank in your dissertation or thesis, yet there are few people that you shall consider while writing acknowledgement. Our experts have listed few of them below;

H3 Your Supervisor and Advisor

The most deserving persons to thank are your supervisor and advisor. You shall express your gratitude towards them. They are people who gave you direction and guided you to throughout your journey. Due to their constructive feedback you successfully completed your research and came this far. So you shall always mention them.

Research Mates Or Colleagues

Then comes your research fellows and colleagues who have contributed to your research in any way. Contribution can be of any type either related to physical efforts or providing support. Due to their collaborative efforts you are now at this point of finalizing your paper. They are the people who were with you in all the challenges you faced during the research. So do not forget them after achieving your goal.

Family and Friends

Although they are third in sequence but they are your basic support system and holds crucial importance. They are the people who were with you way before this research project. Due to their support and love you are able to reach here. Do not forget that they stood by you through thick and thin, not just in research but in every aspect of life. Their efforts are worth acknowledging. You shall give special thanks to your family and friends.

Your Institute and Funds Providers

Then you shall thank your institute and fund providers for providing resources, facilities, and most importantly financial support that turned your hypothesis into an authentic research. So do mention them in your acknowledgement.

Volunteers and participants

You shall also thank all the participants and volunteers who were a part of this research. You shall acknowledge their willingness to participate in your research. However, not all research areas include participants. So if your research did not had any participants then you can skip this.

Expert Tips To Write A Perfect Acknowledgement

Here comes the most awaited part that you were curious to read. If you are not taking our exceptional dissertation writing services but still wants to get a perfect acknowledgement then don’t worry we have got you covered. We care for your future and always want to make your academic life easy. Keeping that in mind our experts have made some comprehensive tips that will help you to write a perfect acknowledgement. Let’s have a look at them;

Be Sincere To Your Work

Remember that if you want to be successful in any field, you have to be sincere with what you do. If you are not sincere to your work then you can not succeed in the long run. Be sincere and give credit to everyone who have contributed to your research in any way. Do not hold grudges and write it without biasness.

Be Real

Another important thing is that you have to be real while writing it. Express your genuine gratitude to people who have supported you. Don’t try to be over formal or fake anything, instead write how you feel it. When you write it how you feel it then it gave your acknowledgement the original essence. It will automatically touch the reader’s heart. However, if you use generic or copy paste content then it will not outshine and will remain unnoticed.

Stay On The Track

Be specific about everyone and highlight their contribution straightforwardly. Don’t get off the track and write irrelevant stuff. Just mention the people and their contribution that’s it. No need to add unnecessary things to make it long because the number of words in acknowledgement are not considered in your required word count.

Do Not Lose The Professional Touch

No doubt your acknowledgement will include your original feeling. Still, you also have to maintain a professional touch. Never use too casual phrases and keep the tone academic. Create a balance between formal and casual tone according to the person you are writing about.

Best Examples Of Acknowledgement For Thesis and Dissertation

If you are writing an acknowledgement for the first time and don’t have any prior experience then some samples or examples are the best way to know what to write. There are many examples on the internet but most of them are a waste of time. We however don’t want to waste your precious time and want to make every second count. For that purpose, we have some of the best examples of acknowledgement for thesis and dissertation for you that are as follows;

Example No. 1

I would like to extend my deepest and sincerest appreciation to my supervisor, Dr. James. Due to his immense guidance, support, and feedback throughout my journey I achieved my research goals.

Example No. 2

A special thanks to my dearest family. It is because of there encouragement and support, that I am able to successfully complete my research. They believed in me when no one else could and they brought the best out of me.

Example No. 3

I am humbly thankful to all the participants of this research. Thanks for showing willingness to my research. I highly appreciate your commendable contribution.

What Is The Benefit Of Adding Acknowledgement In Your Thesis and Dissertation?

Despite the fact that the number of words in acknowledgement does not count in the required word count of a thesis or a dissertation, there are certain benefits of adding it to your paper. Let’s explore these benefits;


Writing an acknowledgement gives you the opportunity to recognise everyone’s contribution in your research. It shows how they have helped you out and added value to your work.

Ethical Consideration

It helps to uphold academical standards. It shows your transparency about getting assistance from someone.

Opportunity To Express Gratitude

It gives you the opportunity to express your sincere gratitude to everyone who have contributed to your research.

Builds Positive Relationships

When to express your gratitude to someone it automatically creates a positive relationship with that person. You get more chances to collaborate with people and conduct useful researches.

Key Takeaways

The crux of the matter is that, writing an acknowledgement for either thesis or dissertation gives you an opportunity to show your gratitude to people that have helped you in your research. You not only thank the contributers but you also earn future relationships and maintain the ethics of a research that gives your thesis or dissertation a professional touch. If you want a high quality professional acknowledgement for your dissertation or thesis then you can contact to our expert writers and get it done in no time.