Failed your dissertation?


You are scared what might happen if you fail your dissertation?

Certainly, failing a dissertation is an unpleasant event. If you do not do it right and do not take it seriously then you might fail. However, if you stay focused, choose the right approach, and do it with dedication you would not have to worry about failing your dissertation.

Still by any chance, if you fail in it you shall know how to face the situation and what steps to take to overcome this failure. You can improve your dissertation by overcoming the flaws and resubmit it for approval. UK Academic Help is here to guide you and help you out in this stressful situation. By the end of this article you will have a positive approach towards your problem and you will definitely improve your dissertation.

Is It Even Possible To Fail A Dissertation?

You may wonder, if it is possible or not to fail your dissertation. Unfortunately, it is possible to fail it. A dissertation is a major project of academic life and requires in-depth research, analysis, and structural representation of your knowledge and understanding. Hence, failing to do so may lead to consequences.

Apart from the basic requirements, different institutes may have different requirements and protocols. If your dissertation does not meet the requirements of your institute then you may fail it as well. However, you can increase your chance to get successful in your dissertation by getting dissertation writing help, hard work, and careful demonstration of all the factors.

What Factors Can Make You Fail Your Dissertation And How To Avoid Them?

While writing your dissertation you may keep on thinking about how bad a dissertation can be that leads to failure? So let’s see, what are the key factors that may cause a failed dissertation?

The set standards of every institution may vary. However, there are certain major factors that can lead to failure if you don’t avoid them. Some of them are;

  • Lacking Clarity

Clarity of thoughts is very important in a dissertation. Your research questions, aims, and objectives have to be clear. The reader shall get a clear vision of what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it.

If your research questions, aims, and objectives are unclear and do not demonstrate the vision well to the reader then you might fail your dissertation.

  • Lacking Originality 

Originality is significant in every writing task, not just in dissertation. Your research should be your original idea. It not only saves you from failure but also adds value to your dissertation. It makes your research authentic and impresses the reader.

If you choose to take others’ ideas and do not keep it original then you will ultimately fail your dissertation and it will also make a bad impression on the reader.

  • Flaws In Methodology

Your methodology should be brief and straightforward. Explain all the methods and materials clearly in your methodology. You can read how to write a methodology for dissertation? It will help you write a flawless methodology.

If your dissertation methodology has flaws and every step is not mentioned clearly then it can also result in unsuccessful dissertation.

  • Poor Expression Of Writing

The expressions you use to write your dissertation including the sentence structure, the grammar, the format, and structure should be professional. You shall use formal writing in your dissertation to make it presentable and professional.

Poor expression of writing and informal writing can leave a bad impression on the reader. Ultimately you will fail your dissertation. So take care of what you write. 

  • Plagiarism 

Plagiarism is your enemy. Make sure you avoid plagiarism and write your dissertation genuinely. Keep on checking plagiarism with tools to make sure there is no plagiarism in your dissertation. If you don’t have any tool for plagiarism checking and want free tools then check out free plagiarism checker tools for assignments and dissertation

There is a limit of plagiarism allowed but it varies according to different institutions. Check your institute’s guidelines and instructions prior to writing your dissertation. If your dissertation has plagiarism exceeding the allowed limit then you may fail your dissertation.

In general, if your dissertation does not meet the basic criteria then the chances of failure may elevate. So be vigilant and get feedback from your supervisor, peers, or any other relevant person to improve your dissertation.

Roll Of Dissertation In Graduation 

As mentioned earlier, dissertation is the final and major project of academic life. So, you must successfully pass your dissertation to get graduated. It represents your research skills, analytical skills, and critical thinking skills. It shows that you are capable enough to get your degree. 

The prolonged process of completing your dissertation with countless challenges serves as proof of your knowledge and level of understanding. Through dissertation, you not only prove your research skills but also contribute to the field of your study. Moreover, your final grades depend on how you perform in your research dissertation.

All these things make the dissertation a significantly important academic milestone to get graduated.

How To Improve Your Dissertation And Avoid Failure?

To avoid failure and improve your dissertation writing you can use a strategic approach. Here are some tips that will surely help you out;

  • Time Management 

Make a timetable for yourself and follow it throughout your dissertation. Manage time to be more productive and do not leave things for the last moment.

  • Trending Topic

Choose a trending topic for your dissertation. Study literature and see what needs to be studied. Look for the need for the research and gaps in previous studies. Find out recent trends in your field of study and choose your topic wisely.

  • In Depth Research 

Once you have your topic it’s time to conduct an in-depth research. Gather all the relevant sources and study them in detail. Note all the relevant stuff about your topic.

  • Precision In Writing

Be precise while writing your dissertation. Leave no room for any mistake and create a flawless dissertation. Write everything clearly and don’t forget to cite sources to avoid inconvenience.

  • Constructive Feedback 

Get constructive feedback from your supervisor, peers, family, friends, or any other person with the knowledge of your subject. Note all the feedback and use them to rectify your mistakes. Take the feedback positively and improve your writing.

  • Editing And Proofreading 

After completing your dissertation, always proofread it more than one time. Note any errors or flaws and edit them. If you have no idea about proofreading and editing or have less time then you also get editing and proofreading services from professionals.

  • Professional Help

Due to any reason, if you are unable to write your dissertation and don’t want to fail it then you can hire professionals and get dissertation writing services from them. Work done by experts has higher chances to successfully pass.


If you don’t want to be among failures and get graduated with grace then work with full devotion and hardwork. Plan your research dissertation journey prior to writing it and follow your plan. Get help if you think you need it and do not hesitate to contact us and we will provide you the best assistance. Have a productive approach and do your work efficiently. You will surely pass your dissertation and achieve your goals.