An introduction is a first impression the reader will get about your dissertation. So, it holds specific significance as it sets the base of your dissertation. It represents the focus, purpose, and direction of your research topic.

Moreover, it presents the gap in existing literature and establishes the relevance and contribution of the research topic. It captures the reader’s attention and gives the reader an idea of what to expect in the next chapters.

You can either write your own introduction or hire someone to help save you time. UK Academic Help provides a perfectly written dissertation introduction in no time.

How Long Should A Dissertation Introduction Be?

Keeping a track of the required word count is very important while writing a dissertation. Every institute has its own set standards and requirements. So the number of words required in an introduction may vary in different institutions.

In general, the introduction of a dissertation should be 10% of the total word count. For example, if your dissertation requires 10000 words then the introduction should have 1000 words.

Certainly, it is hard to manage the required number of words. To make your academic life a little easy, you can take dissertation writing services online and get your desired results without any inconvenience.

What Should Your Dissertation Introduction Include?

Whether you write your own introduction or hire an expert, your introduction should include;

  • Your topic
  • Your focus and scope
  • The relevance of your research
  • Your questions and objectives
  • An overview of your structure

All of these will help your reader to know and understand the base of your thesis and what aspects you will address in your research. It will also showcase the reason why the research is needed. It will specify the aim of your research, and the reader will be able to understand the contribution of each chapter through your introduction.

How to Start Writing Your Introduction

Although the introduction is the first section of a dissertation, it is not necessary to write it in the beginning. In fact it is convenient to write it in the end after completing all the chapters. In that case, you will be able to summarise all the data in your research efficiently.

You can write a draft of your introduction in the beginning and add it after writing the rest of your dissertation. If you have written your dissertation proposal before, then it will be easier for you to write your actual dissertation. You can use your proposal as a template for your dissertation and elaborate the content where needed.

You can make changes in your introduction throughout your writing process and edit the content according to the rest of the chapters.

Topic and Context of Research

When starting your introduction, always begin with elaborating the topic of your research and give some necessary background information related to it.

It is very important to generate the reader’s interest, so you need to provide a strong context of your topic. You shall aim to present the importance and need of your research topic. You may add relevant news, debates, or any practical problem.

The Focus and Scope of Your Research

After briefly explaining the topic you shall narrow down the focus of the research and specify the scope of your topic.

To narrow down your topic, you may use different techniques like you can add the geographical area for your research, the time period the research will require, you can talk about the demographic and targeted community, and also the theme of your topic.

All this specific information will grab your reader’s attention and add to the worth of your research.

The Relevance and Importance of Your Topic

Relevance of the topic is very important because no one wants to waste their time on irrelevant stuff. You can share your motivation for choosing a topic. Also, explain how the topic is relevant and needs to be researched. Furthermore, you can add some new insights that you think will contribute to the research.

A brief overview of your research will be a good point to add. Also don’t forget to add all the citations to the literature. Keep in mind that it is only the introduction so don’t go in too much detail in it.

The Dissertation Questions and Objectives

The main questions and objectives are a must add in your introduction. It adds to the authenticity of your research. Always state the questions and objectives clearly in your introduction because it will set up the expectations for your research.

The formulation of questions and objectives may vary in different fields, so analyze your field and topic and choose the right questions.

If your research demands a hypothesis, then add it to the introduction. You can also add the framework to represent the relationship between two variables.

The Structural Overview of Your Research

To lead your readers further, you should add a structural overview of your topic to your introduction.

Briefly outline the structure, and don’t go for too many details. Keep it concise, and write only 2 to 3 lines at the end of your introduction.

Final Suggestion

Whether your research focuses on practical application or on advancing the scholarly understanding of your topic, your introduction shall explain your dissertation briefly.

Writing a perfect introduction is indeed a tough job to do. To keep yourself from all the hassle, you can hire experts and get your work done in less time while maintaining quality.