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Want to write your dissertation aims and objectives like an expert?
You are certainly at the right place.
The aims and objectives of your dissertation are among the most essential parts. If they are strong and convincing they can lead your dissertation to a clear vision.
But how to write such aims and objectives?
Don’t worry!
UK Academic Help has got your back.
In this article you are going to learn all the essentials that you need to write your aims and objectives.
Before we get to how to write it, let’s first find out the meaning of research aims and objectives for clarity.
So let’s get started.
What Are Aims And Objectives?
Before jumping straight to the method it is important to know the meaning of them. So that you have a clear vision of what you are going to write.
Aims and objectives are often used collectively but they are slightly different. Let’s see both of their meanings.
The aim of your research is written in a single sentence or a short paragraph to describe the main goal of your dissertation. It is used to tell the reader what you want to achieve with your research. It is written in the introduction as a subsection to make it prominent.
The objectives of your research are basically the methods that you will use to achieve your aim. It is a little longer than the aims because it breaks down aims into segments and explains how every segment will be achieved.
Objectives help you to stay on track and progress smoothly. You have to keep in mind that you only set that many objectives that are practically possible to achieve. Don’t set too many or too few objectives. You can keep it between 3 to 6, that is a reasonable number.
How To Write Dissertation Aims And Objectives?
Now comes the most wanted part.
You will learn the basic method to write your aims and objectives in such a way that they create an impact. Note that different researchers may use different methods to write their aims and objectives so there is no specific rule of thumb. So don’t stress and show your creative skills.
Having said that, let’s see what’s one way to write it.
Let’s start with aims first.
How To Write Aims?
Since aim is a short statement, it requires more effort to showcase effectively. So before writing it create a draft by keeping in mind the following points;
- What problem are you going to cover in your dissertation?
- What is the description of the title you chose for your dissertation?
- Why is it important to conduct research on that particular topic?
Once you have the answer of these questions drafted you need to form up a clear statement that describes these questions professionally.
How To Write Objectives?
As you know the objectives present the way you want to achieve your aim. So let’s see how are you going to write it in your dissertation?
There are multiple ways to write your objectives but we recommend not to scatter your objectives in different chapters. Rather write your objectives in the form of a list under a single heading.
The verbs you can use while writing your objectives can be;
- Investigate
- Examine
- Study
- Collect
- Select
- Demonstrate
- Estimate
- Evaluate
- Compare
- Analyse etc.
Keep your vision clear and do not stuff unnecessary things in it. If you are still not sure whether to write it yourself or get a dissertation writing service then you can reach out to our experts anytime.
Difference Between Aims And Objectives
Generally, both the terms are used collectively that is why most of the students get confused whether they are same or different. Indeed they are different but related to each other.
The aim is basically the problem or goal that you want to research or achieve. While the objectives are the methods you will use to achieve your aim. So it is clear that aims and objectives are different but related and both of them are equally important for your dissertation.
Aims And Objectives Examples
Examples always help understand a concept more effectively. So let’s see the examples for both the terms one by one.
Aims Example
It is often observed that the students in institutions that have both overseas and national students struggle to work on group projects. A probable cause of the issue can be language barriers. This research investigates the impact of language barriers on students’ performance in such institutions and results in affecting students’ grades. This research will use surveys and case study analysis to evaluate the impact of language barrier on students.
Objectives Example
- Identification of different languages spoken by students
- Exploring the factors causing language problems
- Analysing the relationship between language barrier and students’ performance
- Providing suitable recommendations on minimising the barriers in the institutions
Characteristics Of Good Objectives
Let’s see what should be the characteristics of good and efficient objectives;
- The objectives should be smart
- They should be specific and precise
- They should be well defined and focused
- They should be practically possible to achieve
- They should be measurable
- They should must be relevant to the aims
- They should be able to achieve in the given time frame
Your objectives shall have these qualities if you want to make it look professional. If your are struggling with your aims and objectives and also confused about taking help then read, Why to get online dissertation help? and it will help you make your mind.
Mistakes To Avoid While Writing Your Dissertation Aims And Objectives
There are some common mistakes that students often make while writing their dissertation aims and objectives. Have a look at them so that you don’t make the same mistakes in your dissertation.
- Writing a broad aim to impress the reader that is hard to achieve
- Writing overlapping objectives that are difficult to structure
- Setting unrealistic aims and goals that are not possible to achieve due to different factors
These are the three big mistakes that most students make so make sure you don’t make these mistakes if you want to complete your dissertation successfully.
Writing dissertation aims and objectives like an expert is completely possible if you take the right approach and avoid common mistakes. In case of any confusion feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help.
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