A masters dissertation is itself a lengthy project. It requires tireless efforts, in-depth research, strong knowledge, and proficient skills.

In the UK, the usual word count for a masters dissertation is 10,000 to 15,000 words. However, it may vary according to your institute’s policies. These are a lot of words to write in one go. To add more, your dissertation should also be up to mark rather than just meeting the word count limit.

Although, the words are a lot yet there is no need to let your moral down. You would not have to write all of these words in a single day. Rather you will have plenty of time to complete it. Along with time you can seek support from your supervisor, advisor, peers, or family. On top of that, UK Academic Help is always available for your support and guidance. So boost up your confidence and prepare yourself for this enlightening journey.

How To Write A Masters Dissertation?

You may have many fabulous ideas in your head and even conduct a precise research, but if you can put them together and transform your ideas into words then it can be a downfall for you. Giving your thoughts words and structuring them in a proper way is the real challenge. But with the right approach your dissertation journey will become smooth and easy.

For your help and convenience we have created a to the point simple guide to make your concepts clear.

  • Title Page

This is the opening page and includes all the information about the topic and the student. Typically, it contains the title of research, the name of researcher, name of supervisor, and the name of institute. But the format varies from institute to institute.

  1. Abstract

It is brief summary of the whole dissertation. Most readers check the relevance of the topic from this part. So it holds integral importance. You shall write it carefully and it is recommended that you write it in the end to summarise everything nicely.

  1. Table Of Content

It is a simple yet important list of content, chapters, figures, and abbreviations. Sometimes the lists are separate and sometimes they are merged together. Write the number of pages correctly are maintain the sequence so that the reader doesn’t get confused.

  1. Chapter 1 – Introduction

Here starts the actual chapters of your dissertation, and the first one is the introduction. It is the description of your topic and involves all the rationales. It sets the stage for all the upcoming chapters.

  1. Chapter 2 – Literature Review

As the name says, it is a review of the existing literature related to your topic. It demonstrates the existing knowledge and the gaps in previous research.

  1. Chapter 3 – Methodology

The heart of a dissertation is the methodology chapter. It represents the core of your research and involves all the equipment and methods used to carry out the research. It shows your way of solving the problem. It is mostly written prior to any other chapter because all the other chapters depend on the methodology.

  1. Chapter 4 – Results And Discussion

Sometimes results and discussion are 2 different chapters and sometimes they are written as a single chapter. Check your university’s guidelines for charity. In either case, it involves the key findings of the research and tells what to interpret from the findings.

  1. Chapter 5 – Conclusion

It includes the final summary of the whole research and its findings. It answers the research questions and shows if the hypothesis was accepted or rejected. It also shows which areas needed to be studied further.

  1. Bibliography

It is a list of references cited to avoid plagiarism and demonstrate authenticity of the research. They can be added manually or by referencing tools.

  1. Appendices

Although it is an optional part of a dissertation, if you want to mention any additional materials you can add it in this section.

This was a brief explanation of the components of a masters dissertation and how to write it. If you are unsure whether you can do it yourself or not then you can always get dissertation writing help from us and get your work done without any risk of missing out.

Pre Writing Tips For A Masters Dissertation

Since, it is the most important and major project of your academic life so it shall be done with focus and efficiency. So here are some pre-writing tips that will surely help you in your dissertation journey.

  • First and foremost, have a stable internet connection and a device like a laptop with enough storage space. This is important because you will be needing a lot of space for research articles and other stuff. 
  • When you are about to start your search for relevant data for your topic, use specific terms or keywords in your field of study. You will find tons of related research papers and articles on your desired topic.
  • Do not use normal search engines, instead use scholar search engines. By doing that you will only get authentic data and it will save your time.
  • Practice to phrase your thoughts in an attractive way. It will help you when you will actually start writing and you would not be stuck on a single point trying to phrase a sentence. 
  • Do not go for too lengthy research because you only have limited time to conduct the research and write your dissertation. So choose a reasonable lengthy topic so that you have enough time to write your masters dissertation.
  • Before you start to structure masters dissertation, create a rough draft to minimise mistakes in the final copy.
  • Install all the tools beforehand that you will use in your master’s dissertation writing like plagiarism checker tools, referencing tools, and other basic writing tools etc
  • Consult an expert before you attempt writing to get the right guidance and directions for your dissertation. Our experts can certainly help you in every step of your dissertation. 

Follow these tips and they will make your journey so smooth and easy. Remember that pre-writing preparations are as important as writing the final copy of your masters dissertation.


To sum up the crux of the matter, pre-writing preparations are significantly beneficial to make your master’s dissertation writing journey easy. Must prepare yourself for the major project of your academics to get better experience. In addition, get help for your dissertation whenever you feel lost. You can get professional dissertation help in London at any hour, so don’t hesitate and don’t risk your grades.