Argumentative essay is one of the toughest type of essays. Most of the students start panicking when they have to write it for their academics. However, it is among the most common essays in high school and college.

If you are also reluctant about writing an argumentative essay then this article is for you.

UK Academic Help is going to make an argumentative essay writing a piece of cake for you. So get ready to explore the easiest way to compose your essay in just 4 simple and easy steps.

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An “Argumentative Essay” is a type of essay in which the writers take a stance on a particular issue and persuade the readers to understand and agree to their point of view by providing reasoning and evidence.

It is commonly used in subjects related to science, technology, healthcare, and politics. But it is not limited to these subjects.

The 4 Easy Steps to Write an Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essay writing involves logical and factual evidence to support the idea or statement. That is why you should not make your essay complex. Use a straightforward outline approach for your essay to make it easy for the reader to understand. Stay composed and follow your outline to stay on track.

To outline your stance, reasoning, and evidence clearly, you shall follow this easy 4 step structure;

1. Write an Engaging Introduction

In the introductory paragraph, you have to engage the reader by presenting the main idea of your essay. Provide some basic background information to help the reader understand your argument. Moreover, you shall outline the evidence that you will discuss further in the essay.

Basically, you have to give the reader a reason to keep reading. So your introduction shall captivate the reader’s interest.

2. A Concise Essay Statement

An essay or thesis statement shall be included in the introduction paragraph. It should be concise, and represent the summary of your argument in a single sentence. Don’t stretch it and stay to the point.

3. Back Up Your Claims in the Body Paragraph

The body is the main part of your essay where you have to back up your claims with reasoning and evidence. Typically, the body of an argumentative essay comprises three paragraphs but you can add more if you feel the need.

Remember that each paragraph shall cover a different point. Don’t stuff all the points in a single paragraph. Rather distribute it according to the sequence of your essay. Explain why the reader should agree to your point of view. Be clear and concise with your statements and proceed gradually. Most importantly, don’t be harsh with your statements.

Support your claims with facts. You can use stats, citations, and examples. To add more, you also have to mention the contrary point of view and explain why it is wrong and why you disagree with it. Discuss every aspect of the topic and prove every claim with evidence. It will enhance the credibility of your stance and ultimately help you gain reader’s approval.

4. Conclude Using Emotional Engagement

In conclusion, you have to restate your main statement and summarise all your claims. Do not introduce new statements in this part, just summarise the previously discussed points. You can mention how the particular topic personally affected you. By doing this, you will emotionally appeal to the readers, they will feel connected to you and it will be a plus point for you.

These steps will surely help you write your argumentative essay easily. However, if you feel like you need help at any point you can always get essay writing help at any hour.

Ways of Presenting Your Argument

Here you will get an idea of how you can present your argument. Let’s see some ways of presenting your arguments that you can use to claim your stance.

The Classical/Aristotelian Way

It is the conventional way, you just have to present your argument, state your point of view, and convince the reader to agree with your stance. It is the most popular way because it is the most simple one. It is effective if the reader doesn’t have much knowledge about your topic or doesn’t have a strong opinion against your stance.

The Rogerian Way

In this way, you have to present the problem, acknowledge the contrary side, state your point of view, and explain why your point is better than the other. It is effective in polarised topics because you acknowledge both point of views and find a middle point where both sides can agree.

The Toulmin Way

In this way, you have to present your stance, back it up, and give the reasoning to justify it. This too is effective in polarised topics, but it doesn’t acknowledge both sides. It supports one side with strong facts that make it difficult to disagree with.

No matter what style you choose to defend your point, always give your best. Do your pre-writing research and prepare well before you start writing. Knowing how to structure an essay will surely make it easy to flawlessly write it. If you need assistance at any point, reach out to us and our experts will help you out.

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